Home > Uncategorized > A quick view at Electroneum binaries and how to use them

A quick view at Electroneum binaries and how to use them

As there are some uncertainties about how to use the Electroneum binaries for Linux, here is a quick view how they should look like:


If you want to run these binaries, I suggest that you ALWAYS run in through a terminal. To start the binaries, change to the directory, where the files reside and run them with the command:
./FILENAME (where filename is for instance electroneumd or electroneum-wallet-cli)

There are two important binaries you have to run and use, first of all you have to run the electroneum daemon – named electroneumd.
You can set the log_level to 1 or even 2 which shows you a more detailed view what is going on.
set_log 1
This will update your blockchain (stored in /home/user/.electroneum

The second important file that you should run AFTER the blockchain is up to date (by running electroneumd) is electroneum-wallet-cli

By starting it the first time it will allow you to create a wallet. The wallet files will be stored in your current directory, handle them with care and backup them and do NOT forget your password.
Some commands which are interesting:
address (show your current adress)
balance (your current balance)
start_miner x (this starts the miner and the number of threads X - which is normally on a quadcore 1 to 4. 4 means, that all 4 cores of your CPU will be fully used)

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